News — brashcards

Help us choose our Winter Brashcard Challenge!

Help us choose our Winter Brashcard Challenge!

Last year, Grammar Nerds Club launched a fun winter challenge with a free set of 20 Brashcards. Our popular #WinterBrashcardsChallenge was created with the goal of helping your students keep their diagramming skills sharp during their winter break from school. 

Last year's challenge included 20 sentences that accompanied the book Detectives in Togas. We also provided a downloadable packet of resources for teachers and tutors that included Brash sticker charts, flyers for parents (with instructions on printing their downloads), Clubhouse ID cards (punch cards), and Brash Ca$h.

In preparation for this year's challenge, we'd love some feedback from our Brashcard fans. Which of the following...

Brashcards are almost here!

Brashcards are almost here!

But the best news? They're only $10 for the entire set of 96 cards!

That's an awesome deal. It's basically the same cost as two really fancy cups of coffee or whatever type of decadent treat that you occasionally enjoy. Like that fancy coffee, you don't have to have our cards to teach your students how to diagram sentences, but they sure to do make it enjoyable and add something special to what otherwise might seem like drudgery. Unlike that fancy coffee, once you buy them, you have them forever!

And our Ancient...

Printing your Brashcards

Printing your Brashcards

By now, many of you will have received your complimentary copy of our Classic Sampler Brashcards. To help you have the optimal experience when printing your cards, please be sure that your Adobe Acrobat settings are set as shown in this diagram:

Specifically, in Page Sizing & Handling, be sure that you've selected:

  • Actual size
  • Print on both sides of paper
  • Flip on short edge

If you'd prefer not to have the diagrams on the backs of the cards, you can just print them one-sided and keep your answer keys in a separate binder or...