Week 9
Phoenicia was an ancient region that corresponds to modern Lebanon. Its inhabitants, the Phoenicians, were notable merchants, traders, and colonizers of the Mediterranean in the 1st millennium BCE.
The prophet Elijah passed along his mantle and prophetic power to Elisha before being caught up by God into a whirlwind. Read II Kings 2 for the full story.
Obadiah was another Old Testament prophet who was commissioned (along with Jeremiah and Ezekiel) by God to speak to long-time rivals of the Israelites, the Edomites. He warned the people of Edom of the Lord's vengeance and their future destruction. The book of Obadiah is the shortest book in the Bible.
Homer was a Greek poet, specifically a "bard"—one who composed long epics or poems and retold them again and again. He is credited with composing two long epic poems called the Iliad and the Odyssey.
Card 9C: Obadiah was a warner to the mountain people of Edom, for the Edomites were not worshipers of the one true God.
Sometimes a prepositional phrase can have a prepositional phrase (which can then have a prepositional phrase with a prepositional phrase!), and I suppose technically it could go on and on.
"To the mountain people" is a phrase that modifies "warner," and "of Edom" is an additional prepositional phrase that modifies "people."
Give your student a fun challenge to compose a sentence with multiple prepositional phrases and diagram it.
The S-Vl-PN sentence pattern is introduced this week, and it will help your student quickly identify this pattern if he has the list of linking verbs memorized solidly. It helps to remember that a predicate nominative renames the subject, but every once in a while, that clue alone will lead a student astray if attention is not paid to the verb type. For example:
Mrs. Kristin is a grammar nerd.
Mrs. Kristin hugged a grammar nerd.
Is Mrs. Kristin a grammar nerd? Yes, but "grammar nerd" is not used as a predicate nominative in both of these sentences. Pay attention to that verb and whether it is transferring action to an object. A *real* grammar nerd will recognize that the pattern of the second sentence is S-Vt-DO.
Click here for worksheets for each of the sentences in Week 9.