Week 8



This week we are revisiting interrogative sentences.  Can your students answer the questions on our Brashcards?

  • Did Hannah desire a son, or did she prefer a daughter?  Hannah prayed for a son in I Samuel 1:11.
  • Did King Saul disobey God, and did he hate David?  Once upon a time Saul loved David, but he became jealous and Saul's heart turned against him.  He even tried to kill him multiple times.  For one instance, see I Samuel 19:10.
  • Did David slay Goliath during war with the Philistines, and did he use any armor? I Samuel 17 records the story of the young shepherd boy defeating the giant Goliath.  Verses 38-40 explain how that, despite the fact that he was offered the king's own armor, he chose to fight with his sling shot and five river stones.
  • Who obtained wisdom, and did he ask God for riches?  In II Chronicles chapter 1, faithful Solomon was offered the opportunity to petition the Lord for anything of his choosing, and he simply asked for wisdom and knowledge.  As a bonus (since Solomon had not been greedy with his request), God threw in riches, wealth, and honor.




    Card 8B: Did King Saul disobey God, and did he hate David?

    Interrogative sentences often contain a verb phrase instead of a single verb:

    • Did (helping verb)
    • disobey and hate (transitive verbs)

    This sometimes confuses students as they are trying to identify the subject and verb of a clause.  Remind them that the subject often "interrupts" the verb phrase in an interrogative sentence.  It really helps the students to have the list of helping verbs memorized, too! 




    If your student is struggling with compound structure, suggest that he first underline each individual clause separately with a different color marker.  Then use the correct color to parse each clause instead of thinking of the separate clauses as one full sentence.  And remember: a subordinate clause will often "interrupt" an independent clause.



    Click here for worksheets for each of the sentences in Week 8.