Week 4


This week's sentences don't necessarily have an historical context, but if you think about what you already know about ancient history, can you think of stories where their subject matter might apply?

  • What ancient history hero might have slept well at night? 
  • Did children in ancient times attend school? Do you think they studied diligently? 
  • Can you think of a person from a Bible story who obeyed happily from a young age? (One possibility: 1 Samuel 1: 21-28)




Each of this week's imperative sentences begins with an implied "You" subject. These "invisible" subjects can sometimes be difficult for beginning grammar students to understand since the words don't appear in the sentences but are required to be listed on their diagrams. 

One way to help students better understand imperative sentences is to create sentences that are meaningful to them, illustrating the command or request nature of an imperative sentence:

  • Wake up!
  • Clean your room. 
  • Play outside.
  • Do your task sheets!

Helping students to see that the subject of these sentences is themselves (i.e. "You wake up; You clean your room; You play outside; You do your task sheets") will help them make the association between the types of commands they hear everyday and other ones that they'll begin to also recognize as imperative.



If your students want an extra challenge this week, have them create present, past, and future tense sentences from the more advanced sentence. Here's an example to show you what we mean:

  • Steve sleeps well at night.
  • Steve slept well at night.
  • Steve will sleep well at night.

Practicing forming present, past, and future tenses of verbs will help them begin to recognize patterns of regular verbs and specific forms of irregular ones. 



Click here for worksheets for each of the sentences in Week 4.