Week 1


This week's sentences all feature history lessons that you can find in your Bible. If you'd like to learn more, you can look up the following scriptures:

  • Creation: Genesis 1:1-2:3
  • The Fall: Genesis 3:1-24
  • Noah's Ark: Genesis 6:11-22
  • The Tower of Babel: Genesis 11:1-9




Card 1B: Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit. 

In this sentence, forbidden is shown diagrammed as an adjective. Ace grammar students may recognize it as a participle though, and as such it should be diagrammed on a curved line (see "drunken" on Card 21C for an example of how to do this). Because this is a more advanced grammar concept, participles are not diagrammed on curved lines until the last six weeks of our Brashcard sets. 

Participle: a word having the characteristics of both verb and adjective; especially : an English verbal form that has the function of an adjective and at the same time shows such verbal features as tense and voice and capacity to take an object.

In "the finished product," the word "finished" is a participle formed from the verb "finish."

"Participle." Merriam-Webster.com. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 3 May 2018.



You'll notice that the first five weeks of the Ancient History set of Brashcards include two sentences rather than one. We decided to add a more advanced sentence to each card for those weeks so that students who have studied grammar before wouldn't be diagramming sentences that were too easy at the beginning of their new school year. The alternate sentences for each of the cards in Weeks 1-5 should ease returning grammar students into their studies without being confusing or overwhelming with difficult concepts.

Because the basic Week 1 sentences feature a one-word subject and one-word verb, it's impossible to scale down. Students should find these sentences easy to understand, and they are a perfect introduction to the concept of color-coding that the Brashcards will build on as the weeks progress: nouns will be red, and verbs will be blue. With one exception (Card 1D), there aren't even any adjectives. 

If students need to scale down the extra sentences, consider giving them a one-word subject or direct object rather than the compound ones (cards 1A and 1B).


Click here for worksheets for each of the sentences in Week 1.