Challenge Corner

We Present To You a Silly Christmas Pun

We Present To You a Silly Christmas Pun

Live Christmas trees are like bad knitters. They just keep dropping needles.


Dad bought a Christmas tree, and it really spruced up our living room.


Can your grammar student parse and diagram this sentence and identify its structure, purpose, and pattern? Take a photo of your diagram and post on our Facebook or Instagram with #grammarnerdsclub #diagrammingchallenge. We will post the correct answer on our social media pages!

Check back every Monday for a new PUNny diagramming challenge.

Are you having a great fall like Humpty?

Are you having a great fall like Humpty?

We hope you are enjoying your fall, too.


It was a rough summer for Humpty Dumpty, but he had a great fall! 


Can your grammar student parse and diagram this sentence and identify its structure, purpose, and pattern?  Take a photo of your diagram and post on our Facebook or Instagram with #grammarnerdsclub #diagrammingchallenge.  We will post the correct answer on our social media pages!

Check back every Monday for a new PUNny diagramming challenge.

Our Corniest Pun Yet!

Our Corniest Pun Yet!

We hope you don't fall for this corny joke!


We will leave in our autumnobile tomorrow for a fall drive because we want to stalk the corn fields.


Can your grammar student parse and diagram this sentence and identify its structure, purpose, and pattern?  Take a photo of your diagram and post on our Facebook or Instagram with #grammarnerdsclub #diagrammingchallenge.  We will post the correct answer on our social media pages!

Check back every Monday for a new PUNny diagramming challenge.

How About a PUNkin Spice Latte?

How About a PUNkin Spice Latte?

We almost shared a pun about harvesting, but it was too corny!


Most mama cows are not lovers of coffee, but their babies drink decalf.  


Can your grammar student parse and diagram this sentence and identify its structure, purpose, and pattern?  Take a photo of your diagram and post on our Facebook or Instagram with #grammarnerdsclub #diagrammingchallenge.  We will post the correct answer on our social media pages!

Check back every Monday for a new PUNny diagramming challenge.

Let's Have a Little Pun!

Let's Have a Little Pun!

Can you name some fellow brilliant homeschoolers?


Dr. Watson was so smart because he was Holmes-schooled.


Can your grammar student parse and diagram this sentence and identify its structure, purpose, and pattern?  Take a photo of your diagram and post on our Facebook or Instagram with #grammarnerdsclub #diagrammingchallenge.  We will post the correct answer on our social media pages!

Check back every Monday for a new PUNny diagramming challenge.